
“Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.” Mark Twain

Friday, April 20, 2012

Needed: Procrastination Techniques

I'm looking for new ways to put off writing. I love writing but lately, since I published my first book, my mind has been wanting to take more time off. It's like I was so focused on accomplishing that goal and once I did, I have failed to develop another all-consuming mental activity. Or, I haven't renewed a prescription with the beneficial side-effect of the ability to focus better. Yes, there is such a pill!

I have started a list of different categories. Some of these activities are hated by me, but for some unknown reason, at times I find them preferable to doing that which I enjoy most.

Today's technique will be the easiest. I'll save the harder ones for later. Feel free to adopt any of these as your own to put off what ever you like to do.

Technique 1: Employing the Computer to Procrastinate

This might be every writer's favorite, except for those who write by hand. I know several who do. I make lists by hand, and doodles. Not much else. This is not an exhaustive list, but I hope to have more to add in the future.

1. The Internet provides numerous ways to fritter away your life. I won't include online games here because I don't play.

a. Facebook--Of course. Do I have any new notifications on my personal page? My authors page? How about posting a status update. "My cat just yakked up a hairball." No, not really. He's snoozing with my husband.

b. Twitter--Tweet something writerly so people following me because I write will think I am productive and talented and so the filmmakers (how did I get filmmakers following me? Oh right--I mentioned I'm writing a screenplay) might think I'll have a novel to adapt. One can hope.

c. Click on links on FB and Twitter. Lots of writing stuff, movie stuff, lots of stuff stuff.

d. Look for pictures of Michael Fassbender.

e. Check Kindle to see if I sold any books recently. Same for Smashwords and CreateSpace.

f. On Amazon, read excerpts of Fifty Shades of Grey (okay, I did that once--for a long time. I think they took out the most juicy stuff, which is really all right with me.)
g. Check Gmail to see if I have any new Twitter followers.

h. YouTube--start off with something of value then digress in any direction I choose--usually comedy and parody.

i. look for and download free e-books.

j. Check Goodreads to see how many more people signed up for my book giveaway.

k.Sign up for newsletters.

l. Look for a job.

m. Look for more pictures of Michael Fassbender.

n. Check regular email. This is a double one because then I can read the stories on the Yahoo feed. None so far have mentioned Michael.

o. Then there's always good old fashioned research.

Wait-I have a new FB notification. Okay. Nothing exciting.

p. Watch movie trailers. Watch those with Michael several times.

q. Go to Huffpost women and read the sex articles.

r. Look for new movies to add to queue on Netflix (wish they had more Michael movies).

s. Write a blog post.

t. Go to Script Frenzy site and play with plot maker.

u. Tweak author website.

v. Look at blog stats to see if anyone read my last post.

w. Check bank account and clear away cobwebs to see if there is a positive balance.

x. check to see if I sold any more books than the last time I checked. Check to see how much I have to sell before I get a royalty payment

y. Go check the substitute teacher's chatboard I used to frequent.

z. Look for another pic of Michael.

Next post will be how to use your computer without the internet to procrastinate.

How do you procrastinate online? Share, please!

(I promise NOT to mention Michael Fassbender once in the next blog post)

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